Thursday, February 26, 2015

How To Add Digital Clock In Blog Or Website

It's Very Easy to Add a Digital clock Blog or A Website. Just follow these simple steps.

Now You Can Get FREE Online Clock For Your Blog / Website in Easy Tips:

  • Now Select Gallery in that gallery select any type of clock , I'am Select Digital Clock

  • Now Select Any Digital Clock , Select "View HTML Tag"

  • Now Choose this options 
  1. Select Color
  2. Select Time Zone or City
  3. Select Time Zone
  4. Select Size 
  5. Now Copy This HTML Code 5 Or 6

Now Back to Your blogger or website Home page.  Select Layout

Now Select Any Gadget ( Which place Your Clock Displayed)

Now Choose  HTML/Java Script

Now Past Digital Clock Code this box and save.

Finally Save all Changes And Just Refresh Your blog/website .

Click Here To Watch Video For More Information


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