Friday, July 29, 2016

How To Set Your Photo As Pen Drive Icon

           Here Is A Simple Trick To Set Your Photo As Your Pen Drive Icon. You Can Choose Your Photo Or Custom Icon To Show As The icon of Your Pen Drive . I'll Tell You How To Create A Custom Icon For Your Pen Drive ,it Will Work Any Computer .

        First Thing , You Can Create Or Convert  Your Photo As .ico File Format. This Photo Can Use Your Pen Drive Icon.

How To Create .ico File:

Simply Follow These Steps---

First Select Your Photo , Convert It As .ico File Format .

Ico Generator  Sites Favicon Generatot And Coolutils

Click This Sites Upload A pic , Select ICO Generate Option Finally Download It.

Now Create A autorun.inf  file .

Remember Your ico File Name Is Icon Name

Now Open The Notepad And Copy These Below Lines Exactly .


NOTE: You Can Modify EASYTIPS4RU As Removable Disk And NivasReddy.ico As YourName.ico.

Finally Save This File As autorun.inf   , Select File Type As All Files .

Finally Copy These Two Files .ico File And .inf Files To Your PenDrive.

After That Hide Both Files In Pen Drive .

Select Both Files -> Right Click -> Properties. Then Select Check Box Hidden.

Final Step Unplug  Your Pen Drive And Plug it In Any Computer.Now You Will See Your Photo As 
The Pen Drive Icon.


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