Saturday, November 12, 2016

How To Download Ration Card Online

Andhra Pradesh State Government Providing To Download Duplicate Ration Card In Online Official Website.
Andhra Pradesh State Government Providing To Download Duplicate Ration Card In Online Official Website.

Know Your Ration Card Number :

  1. Navigate To The Official Website Here
  2. Then Click Print New Ration Cards.
Then Select Drop Down  District Name , Enter Ration Card Number or Application id.
Simply Press Submit Button.

  • Then Take Screen Shot (Press PrtSc Button On key Board )
  • Then Open MS Paint Simply Press Past .
  • Now Crop The Image And Save.
  • Done

Don't Know Ration Card Number
  • Navigate To The Official Website Here 
  • Then Click Ration Card Search Based on UID .
  • Now Enter UID (Aadhar ) Number  Any Person Of The Concerned Family member And Click On Search Button .
  • Now Next Page Would Be Display You Details Like Name , Ration Card Number , Lication.
  • Now Copy The Ration Card Unique Number.
  • The Get Back To Home Page Click On Home Button.

  • Navigate To The Official Website Here
  • Then Click Print New Ration Cards. Past The Ration Card Number 
  • Then Take Screen Shot (Press PrtSc Button On key Board )
  • Then Open MS Paint Simply  Past Here.
  • Now Crop The Image And Save.
  • Done.

Watch Demo Video


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