Sunday, October 22, 2017

How to Install Chrome Extensions Into Opera Browser - vidIQ for YouTube

vidIQ Vision is On of the best tool for YouTube . After quickly integrated with Google Chrome or Opera . Now YouTube Request you to sign up fora free vidIQ Account . Now we can able to access some its features. Email conformation is mandatory for accessing vidIQ .

Now login vidIQ with  YouTube Account and unlock permissions for this addon . vidIQ automatically scan all your uploaded videos and put together information with the result.

Google Chrome
Now Google chrome Have vidIQ Vision extension  . Simple open chrome extension or search google " vidIQ Vision for chrome " , now install .

Opera browser don't have vidIQ Extension , But we have simple trick to add all google chrome extensions into opera browser . Simple Follow These steps....

1. Now open opera -- Get Extensions
2. Now search for add-on  -- Download chrome extension  install this add-on .
3. Open google chrome vidIQ Vision In Opera  simple click " Add To Opera". after showing all extensions , now select vidIQ press "INSTALL" . 


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