Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How To Backup Or Restore Your Blogger Template

  • Download Template on google just "type blogger templets"

  • Now unzip this Zip file using software like Winzip, winRAR, ,

  • Go to Blogger Dashboard > Select Blog to Open > Click Template on left side menu.

  • On Template page click Backup/Restore button at top right.

  • 1 --> Backup This  template " Download full template " save this template for future perpuse.

  • 2 ->  Now Install template "Choose File" button to select your new blogger template ( you can find it as a .XML file inside unzip folder srep 2) on "Upload" button. wait few seconds until upload is complete.

  • Now you have successfully installed your new blogger template.

  • Goto "Layout" and arrange your widget as you like.

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